Untitled (lucero)
Silkscreen on marble fresco, raw pigment, coal on wooden panel. 19 x 26 x 4 inches

MANGAAKA (por la guardarraya)
Intaglio ink on paper, silkscreen on cotton fabric, citric acid on US quarters. 21 x 40 inches

 Nzo a Bakulu (ancestral shrine)
Silkscreen flocked with Red Brick Dust, raw pigment, steel-shavings on paper. 6 x 8 x 2 feet

DETAIL: Nzo a Bakulu (ancestral shrine)

untitled (totem en la' Pera, Habana, Cuba after hurricane Irma)
Polaroid scan printed on clear film, raw pigment, tape, steel, citric acid on plywood. 10 x 4 x 3 feet

DETAIL: untitled (totem en la' Pera, Habana, Cuba after hurricane Irma)

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